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Skills Acquisition and KnowledgeAwareness for Livelihood Promotion

Launching Date: 19th January 2018                                                           Implementation Period: March 2023

About Sankalp: The MSDE launched the National Skill Development Mission (NSDM) to create an end-to-end implementation framework that provides opportunities for quality short and long-term Skill Development (SD), leading to productive employment and career progression that meets the aspirations of trainees. After the launch of the National Skill Development Mission (NSDM), SANKALP was conceived to support NSDM in achieving its full potential. SANKALP has been conceptualized to operationalize Skill India Mission by setting in motion the sub-missions proposed under the NSDM. SANKALP addresses the ongoing challenges like decentralization (strengthening district ecosystem), universalization of National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), standardization of certification and assessments, bringing about convergence, infusing quality in skill development programs and making them market-relevant while ensuring private participation.

Purpose of Sankalp: To strengthen institutional mechanisms for skill development and increase access to quality and market-relevant training for youth across the country. SANKALP aims to address the ongoing challenges like bringing about convergence, infusing quality in skill development programs, and making them market-relevant and accessible while ensuring private participation in the context of short-term training.

Key Results of Sankalp:
♦ Institutional Strengthening at Central, State & District level

♦ Quality Assurance of skill development programmes

♦ Inclusion of the marginalized population in skill development programmes

♦ Expanding Skills through PPPs

Funding of Sankalp: SANKALP is funded through three major parts:

♦ World Bank loan (Rs. 3300 Cr.)

♦ States contribution (Rs. 660 Cr.)

♦ Industry contribution (Rs. 495 Cr.)

Governance Structure: SANKALP has a 3 tier Governance structure:-

♦ Project Governance Board (PGB)

♦ Project Approval Board (PAB)

♦ Project Screening Committee (PSC)