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  Gali No. 1,Near Janki Devi Hospital, Rishi Nagar,Hisar-125001, Haryana

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Self-Employed Tailor

Manju belongs to a family where her father earns a meagre amount to support the basic needs of the family. He is a farmer by profession. Manju has studied till class 12.

Manju came to know about the institution of Gramin Shiksha Private Limited which was conducting free courses in the APPAREL sector in PMKVY due to the popularity of training center in its neighborhood and mobilization activity in its village. She wanted to join Healthcare sector, but could not afford the fees to be paid to other institutes, which charges a sum to certify as well. She came to know from the counsellors that this institute provides free training with NSDC certifications.

He always had high aspirations in life. She wanted to stand on her feet, no bus could walk because the family was not prosperous. Therefore, she did a "self-employed tailor" free courses, which would help her pursue a career to her liking.

After joining Empower Pragati's PMKVY Gramin Shiksha Pvt Ltd, he not only gained practical and theoretical knowledge about job role, but also obtained certification from NSDC. They have acquired interpersonal skills through training and this has also boosted their morale. The course was of 1Year duration. She is now working in her home by running a small business, and is set as an example for other female students in her village. She now earns 15000 to 20000 Rs / - a month.