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  Gali No. 1,Near Janki Devi Hospital, Rishi Nagar,Hisar-125001, Haryana

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Rajasthan is the first state in India to establish a mission for livelihoods, in September 2004, in order to address the challenges of unemployment and ensuring gainful and sustainable employment by formulating appropriate and innovative strategies for the poor and vulnerable people. In view of the importance regarding skill development for enhancing employability of working population, Rajasthan Mission on Skill and Livelihoods, in 2009-10, formulated specific action plans to provide further impetus to the Skill Trainings.

Gramin Shiksha Contribution:

Gramin Shiksha empanelled as Training Partner with RSLDC in 2019 and currently running the project of Regular Skill Training Programme(RSTP) under RSLDC in Ganganagar district of Rajasthan with a target of 120 candidates. 
