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  Gali No. 1,Near Janki Devi Hospital, Rishi Nagar,Hisar-125001, Haryana

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Uttarakhand Skill Development Mission (UKSDM) has been providing free skill development training to youth overall 13 districts urban and rural sectors of the state. In order to address the challenges of unemployment and ensuring gainful and sustainable employment to the youth of the state, Hon'ble Chief Minister created Uttarakhand Skill Development Mission UKSDM in February 2013. The state plan to train 6.5 lac youth and provide employment.

Gramin Shiksha Contribution:

As per the plan of Uttrakhand Skill Development Mission to train 6.5 lac youth, Gramin Shiksha has also contributed to achieving the target and created a well-established center in Health Sector in Laksar, Haridwar (District of Uttrakhand) with desired job role in Health Industry i.e Medical Lab Technicians and Emergency Medical Technicians with 240 number of students.
